The Truth About China!!!

China and the Facts.

These facts were discovered whilst conducting research into China's economy and the Chinese currency, as a prelude to setting up the Trade Strategy. China's huge trade surplus and decades of peaceful overseas policy compares very favourably to America's and Britain's huge trade deficits and disgraceful overseas policies. China's government has been revealed as non aggresive, helpful towards other Countries, strong in Gross Domestic Production and wise regarding military deployment and asset purchases. America's and Britain's governments, on the other hand, have invaded and destroyed other Countries in order to secure what they consume, They have increased terrorism by doing so, removed human rights and personal freedoms from their own citizens and now face National bankruptcy through incompetent management. Decide for yourselves, but we intend to Trade with China against America.

Yuan-debut-gets-vtb-lowest-yields-as-brics-challenge-dollar-russia-credit Chinese currency expectations
BRIC or BRIC's just refers to an association of recognised emerging markets; Brazil, Russia, India, China. This report sheds light on how some investors regard the Yuan and their expectations for it over the next year.

Road To Heaven

Tibetan song. The Chinese built a railway into the Himalayas to secure a water supply from the mountains into mainland China. Tibet enjoys prosperity as a part of China and this song celebrates that. We have learned that China did not invade Tibet in 1959 and it was the Tibetan people who exiled the Dalai Lama to the USA. Tibet was actually a part of China in the late fifties and had been since the Ming Dynasty. It was never independent of China! Along with many other provinces, Tibet had merely been governed by a local authority rather than directly managed by Peking. To say that Tibet was invaded by China would be like saying that Texas had been invaded by America. Tibetan people suffered under and were slaves to US paid War Lords during the late fifties. War Lords who were flattered and employed by the CIA. When China responded to a call for assistance from the people of Tibet, the War Lords were removed, the Tibetan Aristocracy was removed and one of the original 56 provinces of China was consequently returned to it's previous state of being governed from Peking instead of by, up to then, it's corrupt and abusive local government. The Dalai Lama was exiled to the USA by the people of Tibet because he had been a teenage puppet leader who was controlled by the War Lords. He currently still resides in the USA and was protested against recently because of his religious intolerance. 

The International Monetary Fund reveals that 1% growth for China over a five year period means 0.4% growth for the rest of the World. 

Chinese Paratroopers
No weapons carried! These men parachuted into the epicentre of an earthquake to rescue people that no one else could reach. China contributes more military resources and money to the UN than any other Nation. China does not attack any other Nation. China does not try to control the natural resources of other Nations. Citizens of other Nations do not attack Chinese interests or target Chinese citizens with homemade bombs because they are angry at Chinese governmental policies. When China sends overseas aid to Countries that have experienced natural disasters, it is usually the first Nation to respond and it doesn't send an invoice to the afflicted Nations' Government - ever. Did you know that Britain and America will not send aid until and unless they have a contract with the afflicted Nations' Government for repayment? 

With an open mind ...
When have American or British soldiers ever fought to save the crops and homes of civilians in their country from flooding or from any natural disaster? Let alone fight so hard as these young Chinese soldiers? Some of whom gave their lives in the battle. Watch it through and then ask yourselves; Is it really heroic to go to another country and kill people who are defending their ways on their own soil, because your government wants to control their natural resources? Is it really heroic to kill people because your government is so weak that it is blindly following the will of another Nation that breeds resentment and anger everywhere it goes and tells lies to justify going to these places? Or; is it heroic to save the lives, homes and crops of your own citizens? 

Good example of media manipulation!
Despite the twisted version and selection of phrases and words within the report, the only thing China can actually be accused of is minding it's own interests and requiring others to do the same. Scroll to the bottom of the report, though, and read the comments from hundreds of people on the internet. Hundreds of humans took the time to comment on this article and they all seem to agree with one sentiment; namely that there's nothing wrong with China, but plenty wrong with the US. 

A report about Chinese Cities and their growth. We wonder how long it will take the US to decide that it needs to go to war against China? How long before more media manipulation causes belief that the Chinese have threatened the Dollar? That the Chinese are attacking? That the western way of life is threatened? China owns 46% of the US international Trade deficit. The US is a maxed-out credit card, a repeatedly re-mortgaged property and China is the Bank. The residents of this property are no longer able to pay the minimum amount on their credit card and they are no longer able to make the mortgage payments. Provoking a war with China, by accusing it of currency manipulation or possibly by using North Korea as a catalyst, seems a great way to avoid paying the debt! The Fed could fund this new american patriotic war with more money printed out of thin air.

 Were-no-2 How US Citizens view their and China's economies
Results of a poll of US Citizens regarding GDP and some economic issues. Interestingly the comments are reasonable and quite realistic. 

This Speaks for itself ... 

Basically there is what the market says and then there is what american politicians are trying to say ...