Infomational Videos

 A Real Possibility
Some people think that what this short video portrays is unlikely. However, because of the knowledge that i have gained for myself i believe that what this portrays is an inevitable certainty. 

Quantitative-easing-explainedFor those who don't know what Quantitative Easing is.

The Federal Reserve prints Billions of Dollars, whenever it wants to, out of thin air. Britain also does this. These two countries now cannot afford to pay the interest on money that their recent successive governments have borrowed. So now they over-tax their citizens, push back the age of retirement, deny medicines and some treatments (because of expense) and then they heavily fine citizens for minor infractions - that local authorities are encouraged to dream up - in order to help pay these growing deficits. When these severe punitive measures do not bring in enough capital, these governments simply print more money out of thin air. This devalues the currencies and makes it more expensive to import necessary items such as food and fuel for living. Which makes the cost of living rise and rise, whilst the buying power of their currencies falls and falls. 

Fiat Currency Explained
Watch this and then become disturbed. 

The inevitable collapse of the dollar  

Note how the international banks are worried about the US Dollar.


The world we live in now 

We have never made a secret of our contempt for successive American governments and their policies - especially their overseas policies. What this documentary shows is real and it is really here. We have been trying to tell our families and friends about this for years. Everything this documentary reveals has happened in Britain. Do yourselves a favour, stop watching eastenders and watch this presentation instead. Watch it all. 


 Mike Maloney Part 1
The US Dollar took over as the world's reserve currency at the end of the second world war. The US Dollar is now almost valueless because America consumes more than it produces and has borrowed from other Nations repeatedly. When America cannot pay its bills, it simply prints more money and dilutes the value of the Dollar even more. When the US Dollar collapses as a currency (and it will) the economic crash of 2008 will seem like nothing. What is coming, though, presents great opportunites if you know what we know.  

Mike Maloney Part 2
Mike presented his research to a meeting of International bankers in Russia. They cut short his presentation time because, as they stated, it was "too much reality for one day". 
This is a real reality TV show.
If you like to be presented with facts and if you like to think for yourself, then take the time to watch this. This is as true of the UK as it is of America. 

 Bloomburg News Report 
China suggested to the world that perhaps the US Dollar should not be the world's reserve currency anymore. 
23318128 Updated News Release 0n 5th December 2010
China's economic growth verses America's hidden debt. 

Heres A funny Video about the Chinese Yuan

Note the drop in value of the USD against the CNY in Sept until the Quantitative Easing by the US Federal Reserve towards the end of Sept. Note the drop in value again of the USD against the CNY in Oct to early November until the Quantitative Easing (QE2) that the Fed conducted in early November. These QE measures caused a brief rally of the USD in each case, but, once spent, the Dollar simply continued its downtrend. The Asian market analysts report expectation of the USD to drop to 6.45 against the CNY by the end of this year. At the time of writing it is sitting on 6.65 Chinese Yuan to the Dollar 

CNN Interview
Someone stopped what this man had to say part way through his interview. 

  Heres An Article I Found ............. It Talks About The Coming Economic Disaster. The Time To Prepare Was Yesterday People!!!!!!!!!!

The New World Order