Saturday 12 March 2011

The Economic Collapse!!!!

Are You preparing For the Worst Case Scenario?????

With rising food prices and other commodities like gold, silver, oil, wheat, corn, soybean etc......... and with the global unrest which is happening accross the globe at the moment due to this inflation and US Dollar being so unstable and on the verge of callapse, It is only a matter of time before we see a complete societal collapse of the western world. Now is the time to start preparing for the worst.

It is said that over................

1 billion people in the world go to bed hungry every single night.Somewhere in the world someone starves to death every 3.6 seconds and 3/4 of them are children under the age of 5 and approximately a third of all children in the world under the age of five suffer from serious malnutrition. (Sourced by the W.H.O). Since I've been watching the markets and learning, prices have been soaring during the past year....

The price of corn has doubled over the last six months.
The price of wheat has more than doubled over the past year.
The price of soybeans is up about 50% since last June.

If we accept That food is going to be in demand, that oil will rise in price and that imports will cost more for the UK and US as a result, Then food production will become a massive priority!!!!

I believe that it is our duty to provide for ourselfs and our familys and that is why i think it is so important that if you are not fortunite enough to prepare yourself financially to get yourselfs and your familys to safety. It is paramount that you take drastic measures now and get supplies which can last for at least six months whille they are still on the shelves.

In The Great Depression of america 1,000's of people starved and many children were left without adequate food, shelter, or medical care and the currency they had was still worth something.

With the next econonmic collapse...... This time citizens wont be so lucky!!!! Because we will be going into a hyperinflationary period. For a definition of inflation, deflation and hyperinflation please follow this link

The facts below explain everything from when was the great depression to the great depression unemployment rate, to life for the children.

1. When Was the Great Depression? It lasted from 1929 to 1941, 12 years.

2. Nearly 50% of the children of the great depression did not have adequate food, shelter, or medical care.

3. In 1930 President Hoover claims that “the worst was over” this statement appeared to be 11 years too early.

4. Bums lived in villages called “Hovertowns” as a sign of anger against the president’s inability to get the economy back on track.

5. The first week of the depression the stock market lost $30 billion dollars, more than the US government spent in WW2. By the end of the depression the stock market fell 89%.

6. 750,000 farmers declared bankruptcy.

7. The Empire State Building and the Golden Gate Bridge where created during this time and created some jobs in America.

8. The great depression unemployment rate reached 24.9% Toledo, Ohio got hit especially hard and reached an unemployment rate of 80%

9. Every major country abandoned the gold standard in order to print more money.

10. WW2 eventually pulled the US out of the depression by creating new jobs.

Who Faired the Best During the Great Depression?
So, Who Faired the Best During the Great Depression? It may come to a shook to some people that although poverty hit record highs, 40% of people in the US where not affected by the depression and a few even prospered during that time.
Movie theaters became a booming industry. Between 60 and 80 million American’s went to the movies each week. Anything that helped people escape from reality got a boost in business.
Joseph F Kennedy made a killing in the real estate market during the time giving him the money to finance his son’s presidency campaign. Jessie Livermore also made an incredible 100 million dollars in the stock market by calling the top.

This Video is a somber reminder of what it was like to live during the great depression. 
Inflation is NOT normal in an economy with sound money. In fact, deflation is the goal and makes your dollar MORE valuable. Inflation is the hidden tax on the entire American population that sucks our wealth right out of our pockets. This country FLOURISHED with sound money and deflation from 1776-1913. Since the creation of the central bank in 1913, the Fed, our money has been devalued by 95% and COUNTING!!!

But ........

It doesnt have to be this way though we can all make a positive change in this world if we all come together as one!! As a great writer once said 

"The window is closing, but it hasnt closed and if we rise up together there is not a force on earth that can restrain us"

1 comment:

  1. Hi Billy,

    I really enjoyed reading this post. You know more millionairs were created during the depression that at any other time in history. Now is a great time to be in business.

    Keep writing more content it's really good stuff.

    Tristram Lodge
