Monday 7 March 2011

Destination ...........................

The Next 18 Months...........

to explore a strange new land, to seek out a new life and a new civilisation ...

... to boldly go where no claustrophobic narrow minded nannying laws are passed 

...... where councils do not dream up new ways to extract revenue from citizens 

...... where governments do not create incidents which frighten citizens into accepting more and more rules and more police state control over their lives ...

... where governmental fraud and incompetent financial management have not resulted in the biggest debt bubble in the history of mankind; bringing with it the impending inflation that will cause rioting and a complete societal collapse 

..... where government actually permits peaceful protest instead of making it illegal to protest and listens to the views of the population even when it disagrees with those views ...

... where free trade (as close as is possible) and pure capitalism flourish, where the strong and competitive are not forced to support the worthless and weak and where citizens are not taxed six times on their earnings 

...... where family values are promoted, the elderly are respected, retirement age is not pushed back because the government has no money, medicines are not refused because of low budget and sons and daughters can actually afford to care for their retired parents ...

... where the new world order monster has no teeth ...

... where there is no terrorism because the leaders of the land have never caused it by interfering with other nations or by invading other countries in order to control their natural resources ...  

... where the disgust and contempt, for the majority of people and for each successive government since 1991 in the country that they were born in, can be left far behind ...

... where intelligent and decent human beings can live happily in prosperous peace 

...... where 21st Century cities are being beautifully built because the people of this new land are vibrant and energetic doers, instead of sullen and depressed moaners ...

... China!

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